

We are savvy, innovative, fun-loving financial service pros with values that help careers thrive. 我们有热情为明升体育app下载客户和您做正确的事情.

我们是会计工匠,不是大批量生产的. 在这里,你是一个充满活力的团队中独一无二的成员. 我们有着共同的企业家精神,这种精神具有十足的感染力. At LBMC, we enthusiastically welcome who you are and nurture who you want to become.

LBMC Culture

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  • 灵活和自主地把工作做到最好
  • 包容的环境,让你有归属感
  • 喜欢合作和享受乐趣的队友
  • 职业发展和晋升机会
  • 参与社区活动的机会

For our company, 高士气和高绩效同样重要, 因此,我们正在创建一个“一家公司”, one-team” environment, 共同努力实现个人和职业目标.

鼓励创业精神, 我们加强和促进一个灵活的, innovative performance culture that provides world-class systems and development opportunities. We offer a supportive and flexible workplace where our team members never stop learning. 我们知道,文化不仅仅与工作中发生的事情有关, 而是关于工作如何支撑你的生活, too.

A culture of growth.

我们非常重视帮助客户成长, 但我们只有通过帮助明升体育app下载团队成员成长才能做到这一点, too. To us, growth is a collective initiative – one that requires and benefits the whole.

作为美国最顶尖的公司之一.S., we are able to offer you more than just a job; we offer you a future that is as bright as you want to make it. 我们正在扩大明升体育app下载服务、客户、团队成员和影响力. LBMC正在努力开发一种独特的, 注重指导和培训项目的合作文化. 坚定不移地致力于培养公司未来的领导者.

John Mark McDougal“对我来说,明升体育app下载未来就是增长. 我们要如何发展明升体育app下载业务, 我们要为什么样的客户服务, 我们将进入什么样的社区? 但最重要的是,我们将如何发展明升体育app下载团队成员?”约翰马克麦克道格尔,注册会计师,审计和保证,LBMC, PC

We are initiating smart growth. 也就是说,有意识的,衡量的,专注于适合. Becoming full-service goes past the services and products we offer – it’s about meaningful relationships 以及他们如何推动对话. We are refining cross-team collaboration with an advanced infrastructure that houses our experiences and expertise. 我们正在利用公司和全国的关系,正如我们所做的那样 investing in team members 通过明升体育app下载学习和发展项目. 我们正在集中精力 扩大我们现有的客户关系 and service offerings. We anticipate their needs and offer advisory as well as compliance/regulatory services. We are expanding our offerings outside of Tennessee 成为跨界的首要资源 Southeast. 通过引入额外的实践和服务, we have grown into a full-service advisory practice through cross-team collaboration.

Mark Burnette“让我们与众不同的是明升体育app下载员工. 还有其他公司也提供和我们类似的服务, but the way that we do it with such a close personal relationship is something that is different than the other firms and allows us to continue growing.” – Mark Burnette, CPA, CISA, CISSP, CISM, CRISC, CCSFP, QSA, Advisory Services Group Leader, LBMC, PC

Growth at LBMC

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Trusting the process starts with improving the process and that’s what we’ll do. 任何人都可以加入竞争并模仿他们的成功. 在LBMC,做明升体育app下载研究,把我们已经在做的事情做好. We weigh the ROI of new tech, so we can continue to enhance the overall experience for our clients and our team members. 对人进行明智的投资, processes, and technology, we are working to exceed client expectations and stay ahead of the competition. Technology is not taking the place of meaningful interactions with clients and team members. It is used to support our clients’ needs and offer them options to make their journey with LBMC and easy one.

Buck Freeman“优化不仅仅是技术. 它重新定义了人们的工作,简化了明升体育app下载流程. 我们每天都在做什么.”巴克弗里曼,注册会计师,审计和保证,LBMC, PC

Client Experience

Together, we are developing an experience that fosters more than just satisfied clients. At LBMC, we rally alongside one another to ensure that each client we work with becomes a raving fan. We’re going beyond exceptional customer service and ensuring that clients enthusiastically share their experiences with the rest of the world. We continue to develop a more sophisticated solution portfolio while maintaining our middle market client focus and helping them with advanced problem-solving and unique solutions. 因为我们建立了一个支持LBMC客户体验的文化, 我们正在发展成为提供优质合规服务的顾问. We are implementing enhanced efforts and increased outreach to stay top-of-mind. We are evolving into the digital new age with consistent client experience across all channels. And we are giving clients the ability to interact with us when they want and how they want.

Suzanne Reed“Client experience is not just client satisfaction; it’s creating that raving fan. 它正在创造一个环境,让明升体育app下载客户知道他们是第一位的, 这也是明升体育app下载客户成为我们最大的推荐来源的地方.”苏珊娜·里德,MBA, CMO, LBMC, PC

Client Experience at LBMC

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Women’s Initiative Network


WIN@LBMC是一个致力于吸引, retraining, developing, 鼓励和支持LBMC中的女性.


WIN@LBMC is an affinity group led by an employee steering committee dedicated to developing the skills of all female employees at LBMC. The WIN@LBMC steering committee solicits feedback from over 300 LBMC employees to help guide the direction of the group’s development and social activities. 我们经常举办社交活动, host female leadership panel discussions and participate in industry webinars.

Employees are offered the opportunity to volunteer for steering or communications committee roles within WIN@LBMC.

What is WIN?

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LBMC Young Professionals

Created to foster leadership, 促进团队合作,发展社区网络, the Young Professionals (YP) Program supports new LBMC employees with ample opportunity for career development and support.

适用于职业生涯的前7年, we deliver training, 指导和持续获得专家和资源. yp负责指导项目的所有方面, 从预算到志愿服务, 让他们建立自己的经验. 直接响应YP输入, LBMC提供团队建设活动, volunteer opportunities and ways to become board members of non-profit organizations.

这说明LBMC多么重视明升体育app下载员工, the Young Professionals Program nurtures top talent that is retained for years to come.


Commitment to our team members, clients, and the communities in which we work. At LBMC, our mission of delivering the best to our clients and each other every day is rooted in our unique differences.  Our engagement, growth and success are at their best when team members have equal opportunity and are included. Diversity brings value to LBMC by connecting us with our community and driving innovation.

LBMC provides equal opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment. We recruit, employ, train, 不分种族地补偿和提拔, religion, color, age, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic disposition, neurodiversity, disability, 退伍军人身份或其他受联邦保护的类别, state and local law.

LBMC Cares


在LBMC,我们把社区放在首位,无论是在LBMC内部还是外部. Each year, LBMC持有明升体育app下载“贷款之手”倡议, which allows employees to choose local non-profit organizations within each of our markets and volunteer throughout one week during business hours. Learn more about LBMC Cares.