Nashville Tax Services

As Tennessee’s premiere accounting experts, 我们很自豪能接手其他公司未接手的业务. 我们提供与国内最大的律师事务所相同水平的专业知识和经验, but with unexpected accessibility. 我们以小公司特有的方式优先考虑服务和响应, but backed by deep industry knowledge. That’s because with LBMC, 你不必在质量和温暖之间做出选择——你可以两全其美.


Preparation & Planning: LBMC的服务模式从详细的计划和商定的时间表开始,以确保满足最后期限和期望. LBMC承诺每月或每季度与客户会面.
Collaboration: LBMC税务团队与您合作,作为您自己内部资源的延伸, acting as not merely a service team, 而是作为你的企业或家庭运营的顾问.
Responsiveness: As an extension of your internal resources, LBMC税务团队致力于提供及时、准确的解决方案,并能够快速转向,以满足您的企业或家庭的需求.

Nashville CPAs and Accountants

As the top Tennessee-based CPA firm, we believe our Nashville accountants have the knowledge, qualifications, 和专业知识,以卓越的价值提供最高水平的服务. If you desire an accounting firm that has an experienced and responsive service team skilled in tax compliance and tax transactional structuring, and experience working with complex businesses with multi-state operations, then LBMC is the firm for you.

Federal Business

我们将与您密切合作,以了解您的业务运作,并确定必要的税务问题和策略,以实现您的业务目标. 所得税法律的复杂性为节省税收或递延税收提供了许多机会. 因为你有权使用一切合法的手段来减少你的纳税义务, 明升体育app下载税务服务重点是提供有见地和及时的税务规划建议.

Federal Business

State and Local

State and Local Tax needs are constant, recurring events. 国家税收对企业的影响是复杂的. 在州和地方税法范围内管理风险和发现机会可能是一项艰巨的任务. 法律的这一不断发展的领域给你的纳税时间带来了方方面面的不确定性, how much income is taxable, or what is and is not taxable. On the bright side, complexity creates opportunity.

State and Local Tax

International Tax

跨国公司和那些考虑向海外扩张的公司面临着越来越多的国际税务规划和合规挑战. 要跟上不断变化的监管几乎是不可能的, legislative and tax requirements. Multinational businesses in real estate investment, distribution and manufacturing, 技术和许多其他领域可以求助于我们经验丰富的团队.

International Tax


从历史上看,财富在很大程度上是代代相传的. However, 今天,我们看到财富以多种方式创造,在管理富人复杂的财务事务方面,对专业协助的需求也在增加, corporate executives and families.  LBMC财富顾问团队在会计方面拥有丰富的经验 & tax services, estate and trust matters, executive compensation planning, investment services, philanthropic issues, and insurance and retirement planning.

High Net Worth

Credits & Incentives

To attract and retain growing businesses, 州和地方政府提供有价值的经济激励措施,如赠款, tax credits, abatements and more. When your company expands, makes capital investments or adds new jobs, LBMC与McGuire Sponsel合作,将指导您完成经济激励过程. Whether your company is opening a new location, relocating or expanding an existing facility, LBMC/McGuire Sponsel团队可以从投资和增长中创造价值.

Credits and Incentives

Preparation of Tax Returns

Our tax services include the preparation of federal, state and local tax returns for corporations, partnerships, individuals, private equity funded organizations, employee benefit plans, estates and trusts. 几乎所有的纳税申报单都是用我们认为最好的技术准备的, 允许提高精度和减少周转时间.

Tax Planning & Advisory

If your business is growing, consolidating, relocating or expanding facilities, merging or acquiring, 这可能是州和联邦节省税收的重要机会. LBMC经验丰富的专业税务团队可以帮助您发现, identify, qualify, comply and realize the benefits of tax credits, 为您的商业活动提供研发激励.

Business Tax Services

  • Tax Planning and Compliance
  • Tax Strategies
  • Audit Defense and Controversy Resolution
  • Executive Tax and Compensation Strategies
  • Joint Ventures
  • Acquisition and Due Diligence Services
  • M&A Structure Analysis and Integration
  • Valuation Services
  • Cost Segregation

State & Local Tax Services

  • State Income and Franchise Tax
  • Sales and Use Tax Consulting
  • Tax Credits and Incentives
  • Property Tax
  • Nexus Reviews
  • State and Local Tax Controversy Resolution
  • Voluntary Disclosure Agreements
  • Compliance Outsourcing

Who is LBMC?

最初成立于1984年,是一家传统的会计师事务所, LBMC已成为田纳西州最大的专业服务解决方案提供商. Beyond our tax, audit and advisory services, we’ve become industry leaders in accounting and finance, human resources and recruiting, technology, risk and information security, procurement, and wealth advisory services for both businesses and individuals. 我们可以为您的所有业务需求提供一站式服务.


  • Healthcare
  • Manufacturing service companies
  • Middle market companies
  • Private equity groups
  • Technology companies

Our History

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Learn about our history from two of our founders.

Nashville is a great place to live, work and play. Click here for 10 reasons why.

Nashville is a great place to live and play.

纳什维尔是一个充满活力、迷人的城市,充满了冒险者和正能量. Most notably known as the center for the music industry, 纳什维尔也是医疗保健和汽车工业的中心. With banking, transportation, 出版和旅游业在纳什维尔市场也经历了巨大的增长, 客户可以获得位于全国顶级行业中心的LBMC专家的额外优势.

Nashville CPA Firm - A Great Place to Work

Nashville is a great place to work.

Forbes ranked Nashville as the No. 12 in the nation for “Job Growth” and No. 在他们2019年的“最佳商业和职业场所”排名中,排名第17位. U.S. News ranked Nashville #15 in the nation for Best Places to Live. Therefore, it is easy to see why LBMC chose the Brentwood location, just 5 miles south of Nashville, as its primary location.


有关在纳什维尔工作和生活的更多信息,请访问 Nashville Chamber of Commerce website and check out our LBMC careers.

What services are offered at the Nashville office?

明升体育app下载纳什维尔团队在包括医疗保健在内的各种行业工作, manufacturing and distribution, construction, real estate, not-for-profit, just to name a few. We have CPAs and licensed professionals in tax, audit, business valuation, litigation support, healthcare consulting and compliance, risk services, human resources, recruiting and more. We can support all LBMC services in this office. See our full-suite of services list for more information.

LBMC’s Team of Nashville Tax CPAs and Advisors

Link to Kyle Nashville Tax

Kyle Baldwin

Shareholder, Tax

phone icon email icon Nashville
phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Bruce Nashville Tax

Bruce Beck

Shareholder, Tax

phone icon email icon Nashville
phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Paul Nashville Tax

Paul Burris

Shareholder, Tax

phone icon email icon Nashville
phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Ben Nashville Tax

Ben Carver

Shareholder, Tax

phone icon email icon Nashville
phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Jonathan Nashville Tax

Jonathan Cooke

Shareholder, Tax

phone icon email icon Nashville
phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Melissa Nashville Tax

Melissa Cothran

Shareholder, Tax

phone icon email icon Nashville
phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Jeff Nashville Tax

Jeff Drummonds

Shareholder, LBMC, PC

phone icon email icon Nashville
phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Jay Nashville Tax

Jay Hancock

Shareholder, Practice Leader State and Local Tax

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phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Blake Nashville Tax

Blake Harrison

Shareholder, Tax

phone icon email icon Nashville
phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to April Nashville Tax

April Mitchell

Shareholder, Tax

phone icon email icon Knoxville Nashville
phone icon email icon Knoxville Nashville
Link to Jayme Nashville Tax

Jayme Parmakian

Shareholder, Tax

phone icon email icon Nashville
phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Sid Nashville Tax

Sid Pilson

Director, Tax

phone icon email icon Nashville
phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Tim Nashville Tax

Tim Sturm

Shareholder, Tax

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phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Jeff Nashville Tax

Jeff Talley

Shareholder, Tax

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phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Chuck Nashville Tax

Chuck Tomlin

Shareholder, Tax

phone icon email icon Chattanooga Nashville
phone icon email icon Chattanooga Nashville
Link to Art Nashville Tax

Art Van Buren

Shareholder, Tax

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phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Amy Nashville Tax

Amy Van Buren

Shareholder, Tax

phone icon email icon Nashville
phone icon email icon Nashville



Headquarters Location:
201 Franklin Road
Brentwood, TN 37027

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1869
Brentwood, TN 37024-1869

Nashville Office (CyberMaxx):
2115 Yeaman Pl
Nashville, TN 37206

Phone: 615-377-4600

Office Hours: 8 am – 5 pm CST, Monday-Friday

Complete this form to have an LBMC expert contact you.