Daily Money Manager

Packages start at $500/month.

Time is your most valuable resource. 我们认为,支付账单和日常资金管理不应该分散你繁忙的日程. LBMC家庭办公室将承担这些日常工作带来的担忧和压力, 让你的家人自由地投资于彼此的高质量时间.

因为明升体育app下载提供的许多服务, 我们具有与其他金融服务机构进行内部协调的优势. 一个可以直接与你的专业团队合作的私人首席财务官总是只需要一个电话. 明升体育app下载,与明升体育app下载团队见面,并享受免费咨询,以确定与LBMC家庭办公室合作将如何使您和您的家人受益.

Is a personal money manager right for you?

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How Daily Money Manager Works

Envelope Icon

Bills are mailed or sent electronically to LBMC


Money Icon

Bills are reviewed, paid & expenses are tracked

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Documents are stored electronically


Calendar Icon

Simple, monthly reports are delivered to you

Choose the level of service that fits you best for a single fee:

List of Services:

Bill Payment, Personal Banking & Account Reconciliations

Sorting & Electronic Storage of Mail, Expense Tracking & Fraud Oversight

Investment & Insurance Checkups

Maintainance of Personal Financial Statements

Budgeting and Cash Flow Management

Financial Oversight

Total Money Management                         Personal Money Management

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Getting Started: What to Expect

  1. 双方通过签署LBMC约定书同意服务条款.
  2. 您的LBMC个人财务经理要求您提供最近的对账单和/或在线访问您的账户.
  3. 您的LBMC个人财务经理会编制一份定期支付的账单清单, including due dates and amounts.
  4. 将在您当前的金融机构建立一个新的支票账户,并将LBMC列为签署人. We suggest the account be funded to cover three months of expenses.
  5. 您的LBMC个人财务经理将更新纸质报表的邮寄地址, or the email address for electronic statements, to an LBMC address.
  6. Bills arrive and are paid electronically on the due date. You have the option to approve all bills before they are paid. We monitor the accounts and request additional funds as needed.
  7. Your accounts will be reconciled monthly. 您还将收到每月的电子包,其中包括一份费用汇总.

Additional Benefits of a Personal Money Manager

  • We file annual payroll tax returns for Household Employees.
  • We monitor your accounts for fraudulent activity.
  • 我们与您的LBMC税务专业人员协调,提供慈善捐款, Payroll Taxes, and other deductible expenses we’ve paid.
  • With electronic access to your accounts, 我们可以下载年度纳税报表并提供给您的税务专业人员.
  • We review and renew Annual Insurance Policies.
  • 我们确保年度豁免赠予是及时的,并有良好的税务报告文件.
  • 我们与您的税务专业人员就慈善捐赠的税收效率策略进行协调.
  • 我们请求您允许我们定期进行保险和投资检查.

通过聘请LBMC Family Office,您可以利用以下解决方案:

  • 让你的账单按时支付,让你心安理得
  • 提供个性化、快速响应的服务,拥有敬业、值得信赖的专业人员
  • 提供一个知道在哪里以及如何访问个人财务文档的专业合作伙伴
  • 确保个人财务文件安全存放在一个地方
  • 提供一个值得信赖的团队,使入职过程尽可能无缝和无痛
  • 直接向你的税务专家、银行家、律师等建立一个信息流线.
  • 简单地说,可以帮助你回到对你最重要的事情上

A Daily Money Manager will work with your financial team

In your financial life, 有一个值得信赖的顾问团队来帮助你为你的现在和未来做出最好的财务决策是很重要的. 了解自己的优势会让你处于一个很好的位置,能够建立一个伟大的团队. 虽然有些技能可能会重叠,但每一种技能都是独特的、独立的职业,而且都是必要的. Finding the right players is key to success.

Your players may include these professionals:

  • A tax professional to help with filings and compliance.
  • 一个投资顾问,帮助评估你的风险承受能力和实现你的目标.
  • 一个律师,让你的遗产计划到位,并帮助你的继任者计划,如果你自己做生意.
  • 一位银行家,帮助日常的资金获取和贷款.
  • 一个保险代理人来帮助保护你一路上所收集的一切.
  • 一个日常理财经理来处理你的日常财务,并为你的团队安排细节.

您的日常资金经理熟悉您需要涵盖的所有领域,并定期与所有团队成员合作. Not quite sure of the best way to file payroll tax returns? Your DMM likely knows. 如果有灰色地带,他们知道该问税务会计师的问题. Do you need help filling out that Line of Credit application? Your DMM is probably familiar with it. 您是否需要转介一位照顾家中长者的人? Your DMM might specialize in that area. 如果他们不知道,他们知道AADMM内部有人知道,他们可以帮助确保转介. DMMs troubleshoot when requests get tricky. In addition, DMM为你的财务生活带来了一个组织和结构的过程, dotting all the i’s and crossing all the t’s.

你可能已经和上面提到的专业人士建立了关系. You might need some help assembling a team. 一位每日理财经理会走在你身边,检查已经到位的资金,并帮助你建立一个团队,让所有必要的成员都能实现你的财务目标.

Executive Team

Link to Melissa Daily Money Manager

Melissa Cothran

Shareholder, Tax

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